This is a manual for people who are developing C code for Tcl, Tk, and their extensions and applications. It describes a set of conventions for writing code and the associated test scripts. There are two reasons for the conventions. First, the conventions ensure that certain important things get done; for example, every procedure must have documentation that describes each of its arguments and its result, and there must exist test scripts that exercise every line of code. Second, the conventions guarantee that all of the Tcl and Tk code has a uniform style. This makes it easier for us to use, read, and maintain each other’s code.
Most of the conventions originated in the Sprite operating system project at U.C. Berkeley. At the beginning of the Sprite project my students and I decided that we wanted a uniform style for our code and documentation, so we held a series of meetings to choose the rules. The result of these meetings was a document called The Sprite Engineering Manual. None of us was completely happy with all the rules, but we all managed to live by them during the project and I think everyone was happy with the results. When I started work on Tcl and Tk, I decided to stick with the Sprite conventions. This document is based heavily on The Sprite Engineering Manual.
There are few things that I consider non-negotiable, but the contents of this manual are one of them. I don’t claim that these conventions are the best possible ones, but the exact conventions don’t really make that much difference. The most important thing is that we all do things the same way. Given that the core Tcl and Tk code follows the conventions, changing the rules now would cause more harm than good.
Please write your code so that it conforms to the conventions from the very start. Forexample, don’t write comment-free code on the assumption that you’ll go back and put the comments in later once the code is working. This simply won’t happen. Regardless of how good your intentions are, when it comes time to go back and put in the comments you’ll find that you have a dozen more important things to do; as the body of uncommented code builds up, it will be harder and harder to work up the energy to go back and fix it all. One of the fundamental rules of software is that its structure only gets worse over time; if you don’t build it right to begin with, it will never get that way later. When I write code I typically write the procedure headers for a whole file before I fill in any of the bodies.
The rest of this document consists of 8 major parts. Section 2 discusses the overall structure of a package and how to organize header files. Section 3 describes the structure of a C code file and how to write procedure headers. Section 4 desribes the Tcl/Tk naming conventions. Section 5 presents low-level coding conventions, such as how to indent and where to put curly braces. Section 6 contains a collection of rules and suggestions for writing comments. Section 7 describes how to write and maintain test suites. Section 8 describes how to make code portable without making it unreadable too. Section 9 contains a few miscellaneous topics, such as keeping a change log.